相信[106美國直購] Philips Norelco Multigroom Trimmer 電動刮鬍刀 _A1084370因該很多人都聽過也滿多人有購買,但是

Skin-Friendly, High Performance Blades for a Gentle Trim
60 Minutes Run Time
Click-on Hair Clipper and Bodygrooming Attachments
Turbo Boost for Faster Results
Philips Norelco Multigroomer all-in-one trimmer with Li-Ion battery and 10 attachments
Groom your face, head and body with this fully washable all-in-one trimmer. 10 different attachments and combs give you the freedom to create different styles from head to toe, while turbo power helps you trim through thick hair evenly and gently.
Self-sharpening steel blades
Skin-friendly, high-performance blades for a gentle trim
60 minutes run time / 1 hour charge
Trim your face, neck and sideburns to complete your look
Click-on hair clipper and bodygrooming attachments
Turbo boost for faster results, even on dense hair
Comfortably groom your body hair, even under the shower
Easily store, or travel with the trimmer and attachments
What's in the box: Full size trimmer, bodygroom shaver, detail trimmer, mini foil shaver, extra wide hair trimmer, extra-wide hair comb, beard comb, body comb, detail & eyebrow comb, nose trimmer, premium travel pouch, charging cord and cleaning brush.
Self-sharpening skin-friendly blades
Designed to effectively cut each hair perfectly, preventing skin irritation. Get a gentle trim that is high on performance. Blades are self-sharpening and made of finely ground chromium steel, giving you lasting performance. Their rounded tips and combs ensure smooth, protected contact with your skin.
Full size這裡最便宜 metal trimmer
Use the full size metal trimmer without a comb to complete your style and get clean, sharp lines around the edges of your beard.
Beard & stubble comb
Trim your beard to exactly the length you want, by locking in the setting that suits your desired look. The beard & stubble comb offers 18 length settings from 1mm to 18mm, with precisely 1mm between each setting.
Precision trimmer
Create fine lines, contours and details to define or change your style.
Mini foil shaver
Get rid of unwanted hairs with precision on small areas of your cheeks and chin, for a clean finish.
Detail and eyebrow comb
Precisely comb and trim your eyebrows and sideburns for a finished look.
Tube nose trimmer
Remove quickly, comfortably and easily unwanted hairs for a neat finish. The ProtecTube technology guarantees no pulling to prevent nicks and cuts. The angled head allows for better reach and control.
Hair clipper
Cut through your head of hair quickly with the 41mm high-performance clipper.
Hair comb
Keep your haircut in style, or create a new one, by trimming to different lengths. The hair comb offers 18 length settings from 3mm to 20mm, with precisely 1mm between each setting.
Body groomer & Body comb
特賣Shave any area below the neck with comfort. The click-on bodygroomer attachment is made from a hypo-allergenic foil and has rounded tips to protect your skin.
You can also trim your body hair to exactly the length you prefer with the body comb. The body comb delivers a clean, comfortable trim on your chest, armpits or groin.
Lithium-ion battery
Advanced lithium-ion battery delivers maximum power for high performance cutting. Longer lasting lifetime than NIMH rechargeable battery.
Turbo boost
Power through even the thickest hair. Turbo power helps you cut the longest, most dense parts of your hair by increasing the cutting speed.
This Multigroomer is designed to work cordlessly, so that you can use it safely and comfortably under the shower.


[106美國直購] Philips Norelco Multigroom Trimmer 電動刮鬍刀 _A1084370 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
兩位不具名的美國官員透露,中國大陸在南海的人工島礁應該完成了二十個能容納遠程地對空飛網友一致推薦 彈的裝置,這一最新發展也考驗了美國的反應。多次抨擊中國大陸「軍事化」南海的美方,是否會真的採取強硬態度值得觀察。
根據英國《衛報》報導,華盛頓戰略與國際研究中心(CSIS)的南海問題專家波林(Greg Poling)在去年12月提出的報告中說,北京當局顯然在宣稱擁有主權的南海七島上安裝了防空和反彈道飛彈系統。
菲律賓當局周二(21日)則說,東南亞諸國對中國大陸在南海設置武器系統感到非常不安,敦促各國對話,避免事態往極端發展。而美國海軍19日也派遣尼米茲級(Nimitz)核子動力航母「卡爾文森號」(USS Carl Vinson)前往南海巡弋,時逢中國大陸海軍操演結束,兩軍動向引外界關注,然而美國海軍仍在等待新任總統川普是否有新的政策方向。
台大昨日發出聲明,指出張正琪強調她是JBC 2008論文的第三作者,但台大校方表示,該文碩士生作者進行本論文實驗執行時,張正琪為郭明良教授實驗室的博士後研究員,受郭教授指派擔任其實驗指導者;調查小組也發現,並非僅有JBC2008論文違反學術倫理。
台大校方也表示,張正琪教授於記者會聲稱,CDD 2013論文與其升等教授無關,但事實上,張有將論文用於2016年申請副教授升等教授所用。因此才依據教育部及台大相關規定,撤銷原審定合格教授證書,並於五年內,不得再行受理教師資格申請。
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